Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day Nine Recap - Monday, January 7th (Election Eve)

This is an example of what visibility is like. This photo is not of any of the USF crew, but it is a video of a group of Hillary supporters at one of our key "vis" locations, "Library Hill" in downtown Nashua, NH. Too bad these folks weren't doing any of the Hillary chants though.

This is a video with some clips from Hillary's last rally before election day at the Manchester, NH airport.

Monday, Election Eve, was a beautiful day. Sure, it was a bit cloudy, but it was pushing 50 degrees. After experiencing some really nasty weather around the middle of last week, this was a Godsend. We spent most of the day canvassing key neighborhoods in Nashua, but there were a few different things we did too.

While we were picking up a canvassing packet around noon, we were told that a huge herd of Obama folks were up on Library Hill and they were really loud. (There's more about Library Hill in another blog entry.) We had a few people across the street from Obama's people but they were overwhelmed. About 20-25 of us were immediately sent up to Library Hill with reinforcements (signs, totems, etc.). We ended up drowning out the Obama people and they eventually left :) We then took their ideal position on Library Hill and kept about a dozen people on site to make sure we held it all the way through the rush hour.

Also, once we were done canvassing for the day, a bunch of us went up to the Manchester, NH airport to attend Hillary's late night rally, her last of the campaign in New Hampshire prior to the opening of the polls. It was nice to hear her speak and remind us all why we were up there working so hard for her election.

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